Online Programs

Building community through text study and personal reflection

At our core, we humans are tribal. We like to belong to groups of individuals with similar views, thoughts and interests. There is comfort being among others who are like-minded.

We want to feel a sense of belonging.

Hands surrounding flame

As Jews whose ethical heritage does not permit us to be silent in the face of Israel’s violent oppression of the Palestinian people, we are often turned off by the tacit acceptance of this oppression granted through the deafening silence of the Jewish establishment.

Our politics come from a deeply spiritual place. But it is our politics, inextricably linked to our deepest values, that exclude us from Jewish institutions, often forcing us to choose between integrity and Jewish community.

This leaves us feeling frustrated and disappointed. We yearn for a sense of belonging, a community we can call home. We long to be able to talk with like-minded people. We feel isolated and rejected. We ask ourselves: How can we find a Jewish community without checking our politics and our values at the door?

What if we told you that there is a way to connect with like-minded Jews? Can you imagine what it would feel like to find a strong community of like-minded people?

It can be scary to reach out to a community because you want to be confident that you will be able to connect with people. But we want to invite you to take the next step towards finding community.

We are continuing our online membership program to connect people who identify as Jewish and feel isolated because of their views about Palestine.

JeLiThIn's Parashat HaShavua Group is a non-Zionist/anti-Zionist space for nonjudgmental community and connection with like-minded people. We aim to be anti-racist, anti-colonial, anti-ageist, anti-ableist, and feminist in our relationships with each other, welcoming feedback and collaboration as we create our non-Zionist/anti-Zionist radical community together.

Through JeLiThIn's Parashat HaShavua Group, you will have the opportunity to study the parasha of the week, reflect on its meaning to us today, and share your thoughts and experiences within a welcoming community.

Find out more about JeLiThIn's Parashat HaShavua Group.